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MEDNIGHT Fair – Mediterranean Night of Women in Research

By September 26, 2024December 12th, 2024Communication, News, News

The Séneca Space in Alicante is the venue for Mediterranean Night of Women in Research – MEDNIGHT Fair, an exciting science outreach event in which the CEAD Project is participating to bring research closer to schoolchildren and the general public in a fun and engaging way.

From Wednesday, September 25th, to Friday, September 27th, we will conduct activities based on the popular game “Snakes and Ladders” to illustrate how social determinants of health influence the management of this disease, highlighting both the barriers and facilitators people encounter.

The event will culminate on Friday, September 27th, with the MEDNIGHT Fair – Mediterranean Night of Women in Research, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. This fair will provide an interactive space where scientific findings will be showcased through demonstrations and games.

The CEAD Project will host a booth in the European Union corner, alongside other renowned researchers, demonstrating how the European Commission supports scientific advancement through research.