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Marta Puig presents her thesis plan at the CiberEsp Meeting for Excellence in Public Health Research.

By October 23, 2023November 21st, 2024Communication, News, News

Marta Puig García presented her thesis plan “Design of strategies to improve the management of type 2 diabetes by strengthening social support networks in vulnerable populations” at the CiberEsp Meeting for Excellence in Public Health Research on 20 October.

This activity is organised annually by the CIBERESP Training programme, with the aim of motivating the exchange of ideas and knowledge between accredited scientific staff and research staff in training, discussing their doctoral thesis projects and encouraging innovation in public health research.

Marta is currently a PhD student in the Global Health Research Group and a researcher in the CEAD project “Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in low-resource Settings: a mixed-methods case study in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador (CEAD)“, thanks to a pre-doctoral grant from the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society and the European Social Fund (ESF).