Last Thursday, December 5th, we held a session to present the qualitative results of the CEAD project at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE).
The activity employed art-based methods, sharing opinions, comments, and suggestions from both patients and healthcare professionals through a collaborative theater performance. This involved focus groups of patients and healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and TAPs (primary care technicians). The results were presented to two patients’ clubs: the Chimbacalle Diabetes Club and the Golden Renewal Club from La Magdalena, mostly composed of older adults with diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic non-communicable diseases.
In total, there were 40 participants from Chimbacalle, 30 from La Magdalena, and 10 healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and TAPs from various health centers who participated in the focus groups. Additionally, Dr. Andrea Flores, responsible for district-level preventive care and mortality management at the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, was in attendance.